Monday, February 20, 2017

Swing Bridge

WALT - use our senses and the 5 W’s when writing

I wonder if the bridge leads to the forest or should I say magical forest.What if there was some monsters on the other side.I see a eagle swooping in the gray sky as the trees swoosh from side to side. Someone starts to cross the wobbly wiggly bridge. Then he yells, “I’m here”, when he is on the other side and then everyone yells yay!  The little boy went for a walk and as soon as he knew, it was lunch time so he went hunting.He was hunting and hunting then the little boy finally found something to eat so he, started to head back to the bridge then he just put one foot on the bridge and it broke into pieces. Oh no!The little boy was stuck there forever and ever and it did not get better because a tiger came two minutes later.